Thursday, May 14, 2020

How Art Installations Can Help Your Workplace

How Art Installations Can Help Your Workplace Source â€" Pexels.comIt is widely recognized that having art in your life, whether you are viewing or creating it, can have a variety of benefits. Art provides insight, entertainment, relaxation, and even an outlet for stress. Given the gains the inclusion of art in our life can produce, it makes sense to build it into your offices and workplaces to improve your business’s productivity.To really harness the power of art for your organization it’s important to understand the benefits it can bring and what your employees want from you when it comes to their office décor. Displaying ill-thought out design and artworks could end up being counterproductive. Office furniture supplier Vikinghas recently surveyed 1,500 employees to uncover what benefits they feel art offers them, and what they’d most like to see from their employers in this area.What are the benefits of office artworks?Art is now relatively commonplace in many offices. Almost two-thirds of workplaces in the UK display some form of art for their employees and clients. As art becomes more commonplace in the office, it’s important to not let it become just another thing to tick off the list when planning a renovation.evalYour office artwork should be more than something used to fill wall space, it should engage staff and allow them the advantages of having art in their workplace. Generic artwork chosen at random may have no overall effect on office productivity, but if you give employees the chance to choose art that really connects with them personally it’s far more likely to boost motivation.Over half of workers Staring at grey walls all day can be uninspiring, and the lack of variation tiring to the eye. Four in ten In the long-term, this will help you reduce staff turnover and increase loyalty to your business, and staff have a more positive view to coming in to work for you.4) You can get a boost in creativityIf your business operates in a creative industry, it’s of particular importance that you factor in artworks when planning your workplace. 46% of workers say that the presence of artworks in their office helps with their creative process, giving inspiration during idea generation and keeping their mind active.eval5) It’s not just employees that benefitAlthough boosts to your employees’ happiness and productivity are reason enough to invest in art for your office, there are other benefits too.Half of employees Despite employees clearly indicating that there is an appetite for and benefits to having art in the office, there is a disconnect with what their employers are currently providing. Almost one-third of workers If you struggle to get the time to let this happen, consider hosting an email poll, asking your staff what they prefer from office artwork and build your plan around their responses. Giving staff the ability to contribute to the way their office is decorated will not only result in artwork that they actually appreciate it but will help them feel invested in your business and that they are really part of the team.If you can get your staff involved in selecting distinctive, well thought out artwork to reflect your business you should be able to reap many of the benefits of office artwork discussed above. Get started to boost creativity, productivity and give your employees a more positive experience at work.

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