Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Choose and Partner with a Recruiter

How to Choose and Partner with a RecruiterHow to Choose and Partner with a RecruiterAre you considering working with a recruiter? These professionals can help you get hired - but first, you have to find someonewhos a good fit to further your particular job search. For a successful relationship, its a good idea for you to accept some of the responsibility for the partnership. As a recruiter, one question I ask every job seeker that I partner with is What do you not like about working with recruiters? The following suggestions are based on the answers I have received, and will help you understand how to select and work with the rightemployment recruiterfor your needs. What the Recruiter Should Ask You Upon your initial contact, does the recruiter ask you about you and your interests and take some time to get to know you, before explaining their agenda? I have a rule for myself I recruit the way in which I want to be recruited. There is never an exception. Does the recruiter share some information about themselves? You want to know that you are working with a person that will be professionally empathetic to you. You and your recruiter will ideally be partners, working together to land you a job that will meet all your criteria. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your recruiter, or expressing your needs, the relationship is unlikely to meet with success. Questions to Ask the Recruiter Here are some basic questions to ask the recruiter before you establish a partnership. How long have you have been recruiting?Can you share the names of some of the employers you have worked with?What is your recruiting specialty?Do you work with companies that are looking to hire someone with my qualifications and experience?How many people with my background have you helped become hired in the brde year?Who pays your fee?(it should be the hiring company) Recruiter Follow-Up How frequently should we follow up with each other and how will we do that? Often, even wi th email, Twitter, and every other modern technology available, the telephone is the best, and most immediate, tool available for the recruiter and the job seeker. Be certain that the recruiter has all of your updated contact information (home and cell phone, email that is not your current employers, LinkedIn, and Twitter). Make certain you have the recruiters preferred way of contact. If it is only the recruiters email, I would be concerned. Confirm Your Arrangement Ask the recruiter to please confirm what you have discussed in an email. Better still, you can confirm what was discussed in an email that yousend to the recruiter. Inform the recruiter not to send your resume to any companies without your permission. Ask the recruiter the name of the clients you are being submitted to. You want to avoid multiple submissions to the same company by yourself and/or other recruiters at all costs. This can stop your attempt to land a position with that company immediately. Your Job S earch The recruiter should ask you where you are in your own efforts to find a position. If not, inform the recruiter where and what you are doing. If you have an offer for employment and have not officially accepted it, inform the recruiter. When You Have an einstellungsgesprch Ask the recruiter for the client company website address. Do your homework.Research the company. Make sure the recruiter has given you the name(s) and titles of the person(s) you will be interviewing with and what the interviewing process is. Google the name(s) of the interviewer(s). Search LinkedIn for the interviewers name and read their profile. Partner with your recruiter on this. This demonstrates to the recruiter your level of commitment and the recruiters level of commitment to you. Ask the recruiter what questions to expect on the interview. The recruiter should be able to prepare you for the interview with questions. Confirm Compensation Discuss in detail what the compensation for the posit ion is. Confirm an agreement on compensation with the recruiter through email. Most companies today will have a benefits link on their website, so check on benefits, as well. If you are comfortable with the responses and the interaction, and you and the recruiter have developed a rapport through this process, then you have chosen the right recruiter to partner with.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Annual Public Policy Symposium Explores Key Innovation and Com...

Annual Public Policy Symposium Explores Key neuheit and Com... Annual Public Policy Symposium Explores Key Innovation and Com... Annual Public Policy Symposium Explores Key Innovation and Competitiveness Issues Facing EngineersMembers of the ASME Board of Governors at the 16th Annual Engineering Public Policy Symposium in Washington, D.C.Leaders from across ASME recently convened in Washington, D.C., for a series of public policy fests. The week kicked off on Monday, April 8, with meetings with the ASME Board of Governors and the Committee on Government Relations. Following their meetings, attendees were treated to dinner in the Capitol Building. Congressmen Paul Tonko and Raja Krishnamoorthi both attended the dinner and provided remarks. The evening was capped off with a private tour of the Capitol building.On Tuesday, April 9, more than 150 leaders presidents, presidents-elect and executive directors from 45 professional engineering societies attended the Annual Engineering Publi c Policy Symposium, which was held on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. This was the 16th year that ASME served as the lead organizer of the event, which brings together organizations representing more than two million engineers nationwide. The symposium is designed to inform and engage leaders of the engineering community on public policy issues that are important to advancing research, technology, and the science and engineering workforce. The event is made possible by a grant from the United Engineering Foundation and its Founder Societies ASME, AIChE, AIME, ASCE and IEEE-USA.ASME President Said Jahanmir provided welcoming comments on Federal Investments in Engineering and Science to Spur Innovation and Competitiveness, highlighting the importance of research and development funding to the science and engineering community. More than 15 years ago, the National Academies discussed this issue in its report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm Energizing and Employing America for a Brig hter Future, whichJahanmir explained, was instrumental to the development and adoption of the America COMPETES Act, as well as continued efforts by Congress to increase basic research funding. The National Science Foundation reiterated this message in its most recent Science and Engineering Indicators report, stating that U.S. leadership in science and engineering is rapidly waning as major economies around the world continue to invest in boosting their science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) capabilities. ASMEs Executive Director/CEO Tom Costabile (left) and Chief Operating Officer Jeff Patterson (right) with Dr. Walter Copan, Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).Congressman Bruce Westerman of Arkansas, an engineer by trade, began the day by discussing the importance of investing in research and development (RD) to ensure the technologies of the future origin ate in the U.S., as well as the need to place an emphasis on STEM and RD funding at all educational levels, including in K-12.Following Congressman Westerman, Dr. Walter G. Copan, Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology and director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), provided the keynote speech in which he discussed NISTs Return on Investment for Unleashing American Innovation Initiative and the Manufacturing USA Program. Dr. Copan explained how these new initiatives are helping to strengthen American manufacturing through the support of innovative partnerships between the government and private sector to drive advanced technologies into the marketplace. The Manufacturing USA network includes 14 institutes, each with a specific technological focus. Through this network, the institutes are working to create a stronger, more sustainable infrastructure for manufacturing innovation and RD, including a strong and cohesive program for workforce development across the STEM disciplines necessary for leadership in manufacturing.Continuing the theme of U.S. leadership in RD, Matt Hourihan, director of the RD Budget and Policy Program at American Association for the Advancement of Science, provided an in-depth review of the status of federal funding for science and engineering research, as well as an overview of President Donald Trumps proposed budget request for Fiscal Year 2020. Hourihan noted that the presidents budget request called for a 14 percent reduction in non-defense RD and noted that increases in the defense budget do not automatically translate into an increase in defense RD. While decreases in funding have been proposed in many of the federal RD programs in the presidents FY 2020 budget, many of these proposals have appeared in prior budgets and have been rejected by Congress in the past. (Left to right) ASME Robotics Task Force Chair Chuck Thorpe, Rep. Paul Tonko of New York, ASME Bioengineering Fe deral Fellow Laurel Kuxhaus and ASMEs Executive Director/CEO Tom Costabile at the Board of Governors Dinner on April 8.A point-counterpoint panel discussion on the topic of Investing in Research, Technology and Innovation to Bolster U.S. Competitiveness, built on the speakers presentations. The panel featured Robert Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, and Stephen Moore, Distinguished Visiting Fellow with the Project for Economic Growth at The Heritage Foundation. The discussion, moderated by, Lester Su, included a strong focus on research and development, as well as students and investing in STEM education programs at both K-12 and higher education levels, with contrasting views on how to implement stronger STEM curricula, as well as how to address the challenges both students and educational institutions currently face in funding higher education and world-class research.Congressman Jerry McNerney of California, who has his Ph.D. in mathemat ics and served for several years as an engineering contractor to Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico, concluded the event with remarks that succinctly tied together the themes of the day. McNerney spoke about his passion for the symposiums focus areas and his participation in several Congressional Caucuses to advance the STEM workforce, RD, manufacturing, and a number of distinct technology topics such as artificial intelligence, grid innovation, and other technology topics important to the science and engineering workforce and competitiveness of the U.S. manufacturing and high-tech sectors.At the conclusion of the symposium, many attendees took the opportunity to meet with their members of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate to strengthen their relationships with policymakers, inform them of the importance of investments in federally funded RD, and to offer their services as a technical resource to policymakers.For more information on ASME public po licy programs and events, visit Government Relations.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Customer Service Strategies that Help Maximize Holiday Sales

Customer Service Strategies that Help Maximize Holiday SalesCustomer Service Strategies that Help Maximize Holiday SalesCustomer Service Strategies that Help Maximize Holiday Sales ConlanThe holiday season is make-or-break time for many retailers, hospitality employers and tafelgeschirr companies. Perhaps your company is feeling the stress of relying on seasonal employees to generate the holiday sales youll need to finish the year in the black.The best way to remedy this situation is to focus on better customer service especially during the all-important holiday season. Chances are your competitors are already working on improving theirs.There have been a lot of lessons learned about customer service failure, says Steve Goldberg, president of The Grayson Co., a retail and investment consulting company in New York City. Theyre being much mora careful.Heres how to boost your holiday sales with great customer service.Train Employees in a Scalable WayRetailers are focusing on training t heir holiday hires more effectively, Goldberg says. Some of the training is virtual, and some of it is in person, but there are absolutely stronger efforts to make sure employees reflect the environment theyre working in and understand it, he says. Including brand and service expectations in these training sessions is vital to offering strong customer service, he says.Look for scalable options when it comes to training, says Ani Collum, a partner and consultant at Retail Concepts, a Boston-based retail consulting firm. Training processes that can be easily replicated help ensure that holiday hires are on the same page as your usual employees.Remember too that customer service relies on employees who can solve problems without running for the manager, so in addition to clarifying providing clear instructions and protocols, be sure that your training also empowers employees to make decisions on behalf of the organization.Empower frontline employees seasonal or otherwise to make deci sions that do right by the customer to eliminate potential friction between customers and the retailer, Collum says. Walk through common customer service scenarios as part of your employee training.Streamline Your Checkout ProcessEfficient execution is the No. 1 way for top retailers to ensure top customer service during the holiday season, says Jeffrey Peretin of Connors Group, a retail, distribution and manufacturing consultancy headquartered in New York City.One of the main areas of focus that we are seeing retailers put effort behind is the checkout experience. Consumers do not have the time or patience to wait in long lines, and have been shown by companies like Apple that there are ways to improve the experience.Adding two more cashiers throughout the holiday hiring scenario isnt necessarily the way to do it, especially if you only have a small number of registers in the first place.Creating register teams of two people per station with divided duties and distinct roles will d o it, Peretin says. These service levels and processes may differ from those that work for your company the rest of the year, and so you may need to experiment as you approach your peak season.Automate When PossibleSelf-service can help take a load off your retail employees and give them the time to directly serve customers who are undecided about a product.As wages continue to rise and hiring gets harder, it will become even more compelling to automate the service aspect of businesses, says Jan Rogers Kniffen, a retail consultant headquartered in New York City. You may need to invest in self-serve or self-checkout tech tools to make it happen, but doing so can help you redeploy your holiday hires more effectively.If youre not able to automate this year, keep it in mind for later. The robots are coming, Kniffen says. Maybe not this holiday season, but soon.Looking to learn more about holiday hiring? Check out the Holiday Hiring Guide

Monday, December 16, 2019

7 Tips for Running Effective Meetings

7 Tips for Running Effective Meetings7 Tips for Running Effective MeetingsRaise your hand if you love attending meetings. Anyone? Im probably getting a Ferris Bueller-type response at that request, right? Now, imagine the task of overcoming that kind of negative reaction when its your turn to lead meetings. Its not always easy to run effective meetings and ensure people are glad they attended.Here are seven ways to make sure youre leading effective meetings that are worth everyones time1. Know what you want. What do you hope to achieve through your meetings? Can your goals be accomplished without a formal gathering? Sometimes meetings arent even necessary.If you do schedule a time, create a written agenda for participants, including key topics and the names of people who might lead certain discussions. Distribute it in advance so everyone can prepare.2. Invite the right people. Ever attended meetings that have little or nothing to do with your job? What time-wasters. Dont be the lead er who selects the wrong attendees. Make sure everyone invited to participate in your meetings has something valuable to offer and a stake in the outcome.3. Be punctual. It seems like theres always someone running late when it comes to meetings. Unless that person is your boss, make every effort to start on time for those who did show up when requested.4. Stay on target. One of my personal annoyances with meetings is when they go off-track. You know, they start off focused on that big company project but end up shifting into a talk about problems with the office copier. All I can think of is the work Im not getting done while people ramble.Those who know how to run effective meetings understand that a key part of the job is steering attendees in the right direction. If people get off-track, direct them back to the agenda.5. Be inclusive. Some participants will speak up mora than others. No one should dominate the discussion, though. If someone is making all of the comments, start as king others for their input. For instance, you might say, Bill has made some great points about the new software. How do you think this will affect the rest of the administrative group, Jennifer? If youre running effective meetings, you make everyone feel a part of the idea-generating team.6. Stick to the schedule. Meetings should wrap up on time. If theres more to discuss, ask if people can stay or plan on a separate discussion later.7. Follow up.The process doesnt end after the discussion closes. Youll want to send a summary to attendees as soon as you can afterward. This will remind participants about what was accomplished and what needs to be done.Do you lead a lot of meetings in your administrative role? What tips do you have for running effective meetings?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

5 Crazy Stories About Giving Two Weeks Notice (and What You Can Learn From Them)

5 Crazy Stories About Giving Two Weeks Notice (and What You Can Learn From Them)5 Crazy Stories About Giving Two Weeks Notice (and What You Can Learn From Them) Getting a new job is exciting. You get to look forward to a new work environment, colleagues and responsibilities. But its also frightening. You now have to submit a two weeks notice to your current employer - and sometimes, the unexpected can occur. Learn from these stories of resignations gone wrong in order tokeep your reputation and professional network intact.Almost anything could happen once you turn in your two weeks notice. Karelyn Lambert, currently self-employed as an executive virtual assistant through oDesk (Upwork Global Inc.), says she followed tradition. She turned in a professional resignation letter two weeks before leaving zu sich job only to have her supervisor say, Go ahead and make today your last day. Karelyn felt appalled by the managers reaction, but managed to leave the workplace without saying something shed regret.Tip Rather than pretend the worst-case scenario wont happen, admit it could. Think about your bosss possible reactions and be specific about them. Could they eject you from the premises without pay? Burden you with extra projects and impossible deadlines? After finishing your contemplation, plan your response. Deciding how you will speak and act in private now prevents public meltdowns later - you dont want to burn bridges.While your boss might have you escorted to the door, its also possible your boss might attempt to entice you to stay. Kevin Huhn, Founder of Be Your Best Today , experienced the latter. When I handed in my two weeks notice after working there about three years, says Kevin, I got a call from the president of the company. She offered me a 20 percent increase in pay to stay. Kevin refused the offer, but he said it left a good feeling and boosted his ego.Tip Some employers will try to keep you with incentives. If you like you r current job, the new perks might sway you to stay. But be careful. Dont let profil rewards guilt you into staying. If you think your boss might try to tempt you into remaining at the company, write down a list of pros and cons for staying and going. Knowing what you want will help you make and stand by your final decision.Sometimes, no matter how strong your work ethic, youll encounter hostility and negativity upon handing in your resignation letter . One employer, who prefers to remain anonymous, explains the reaction. She says the vast majority of employees check out after giving notice.She continued to explain that once an employee announces they are leaving, they are, for all intents and purposes, gone. They will show up, usually arriving late, doing a minimum amount of work, extending their lunch hours or leaving early. Once they resign, they are not there to make life easier for the rest of the team. They are there for the two weeks of pay, which they feel entitled to if they show up.Her words sound brutal. However, people who intend to change jobs experience this outlook from their employer fairly often .Tip Dont get angry with a boss who assumes youre there only for the paycheck. Instead, prove them wrong. Fulfill your obligations, tie off loose ends, and stay positive. Also try to remain quiet about where youre headed next. Crowing your career move will only confirm your bosss beliefs, not to mention discourage or embitter your work colleagues.Your two weeks notice probably will elicit strong emotions, as in Adrianne Harriss case. She learned how much of an impact she as an educator had had on students and coworkers amidst their tears and laughter. Everyone was genuinely happy for me and the job, she says, but more than that, everyone doted on me and praised me for a job well done.Tip If youve been at a company for a while or simply made yourself indispensable, plan for an onslaught of emotions. Also consider your disposition toward hugs, te ars, well wishes and parties, and prepare accordingly. For example, if you fear you or someone else will burst into tears , come armed with a packung of Kleenex.Some people who give notice experience mixed reactions rather than strong emotions. At least, thats what Amanda Austin, founder and president of Little Shop of Miniatures , discovered. She chose to leave what could be termed a cushy job to follow her passion for e-commerce and dollhouse miniatures. When her coworkers learned of her plans, one group reacted with surprise mixed with disdain. The other group expressed support and admiration and admitted they . . . wished they had the courage to step out.Tip You never know how people will respond to your news, but you can expect them to ask questions. Prepare your answers in advance so you dont fumble for words or say more than you ought. To do so, think about the questions you might ask if you were them or revisit a similar situation from the past, such as explaining your se lected university or chosen college major .You might not be ready to quit your current job. However, a day will come when its time to move onto another opportunity. Prepare for it with the tips shared here.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Find Out Whos Concerned About Public Relations Resume and Why You Should Be Paying Attention

Find Out Whos Concerned About Public Relations Resume and Why You Should Be Paying Attention Although finding the right resume objective sample may appear a simple undertaking and many individuals will be tempted to incorporate the version they discover on the internet in their resume, its highly recommended you do not do that. When it has to do with making a good impression and receiving the interview, public relations is among the most competitive fields around. TopResume can assist with each one of these factors to produce your resume the best it can be. The business receives the benefit of doubt in tricky and messy circumstances and survives to live another day due to its impeccable public conduct previously. The net and societal media is altering the surface of the business, and a resume is a significant means to showcase that youre changing with it. Before everything else, you want to understand your specialty and what moves you. Next, you should also find out everything you can lay your hands on about the business. Preparation and having the proper skills can be vital when looking for the ideal first placement. Technical perfection in writing isnt enough. Because its a creative process which helps. Your goal in constructing your resume is to make an effective advertising and marketing tool. Public relations resume samples to be found on the world wide web may provide fantastic suggestions of the kinds of information to include but this is supposed to offer the most extensive outline. Folks wont hire you because it is possible to maintain a PR database or you may write press releases. Work aspirants should keep an eye out for a resume template instead of a programs vitae template. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. To begin with, templates have to be comprehensive. At the same time that you should add variety to the means by which you start looking for jobs, an overall routine can assist in preventing stagn ation and discouragement. Often swarmed with numerous tasks demanding exactly the same quantity of commitment, PR practitioners must possess the crucial skill of multi-tasking. Research Skills Public relations practitioners work with many sorts of clients in wide array of fields. Clearly then, to engage or relate to every public a various relative strategy is required. PR roles are astoundingly varied so having the ability to supervise your time and prioritize your work-load is critical. Public Relations is not an easy notion. PR Industry is developed on numbers. Naturally, its important to understand how PR should get the job done. The direction you write your career objectives is essential and ought to be given proper consideration. Make certain you read up on the organisation youre applying for. Training is usually at work, although professional organizations provide additional training opportunities. Physical organization is crucial as well. If want to get the enter prise to think highly of you, you have to think of a killer public relations specialist resume. Working for a business or executive team thats reluctant to delegate authority may be hard to work with. Instead, concentrate on telling the company what you could offer as an employee. After the calendar year, employees have the ability to determine if an agency is suitable for them, or if they want to move on to another communications stelle with their enhanced skill collection. If possible, tailor your CV to coordinate with the language and feeling of the organisation used on their site. Tailoring your CV to coordinate with the sort of tone they use will signal to the prospective organisation which you might be the sort of candidate they wish to recruit. If you are in need of a bit of help with your resume, have a look at the resume examples below. If you are in need of a little assistance with your CV, take a look at the CV examples below. Employers are interested in finding employees who can manage their brands across a selection of different outlets. Troubled companies can not be possible to work for, however great the job might appear at the right time of the offer. If youre an executive you understand how important its to be engaged with the organization and employees on a lot of levels. Businessmen and business directors Bring evidence of your position in the business and remuneration. Get the Scoop on Public Relations Resume Before Youre Too Late You may also use the list to acquire an awareness of what employers want to find, although individual job requirements may vary a good deal. You must also understand what the job requires. Because most job descriptions require, being highly organized and having the capability to work on multiple tasks at one time will go a very long way The work description as drafted by the business will also supply you with a tip about what to put in your tailor-made resume.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Agriculture What does the future hold

Agriculture What does the future hold Agriculture What does the future hold?Posted April 26, 2019, by JennyHow do you provide quality food to people at a decent price without having a negative impact on the environment? This is the entdeckungamental question that the agriculture industry constantly seeks to answer. So what are the current and future trends that will impact the industrys ability to provide a solution?We sat down with two senior agricultural academics at Charles Sturt University to find out what issues the agriculture industry is likely to face in the coming decade, and the ways it is potentially going to meet them. As David Kemp, Professor of Agricultural Systems at Charles Sturt University, sees it, there is an underlying factor that will influence how farming is done in the future.When it comes to Australia, our farmers are very efficient but were going to have to get far mora efficient in the future. With the way the bevlkerung is increasing in Australia and aroun d the world well probably have to produce twice as much food as we do now. But theres no mora obviously arable land. And with no more land you then have to improve the productivity of what youve got. And thats hard. All the simple stuff find new land, clear it and grow more crops was done in the last 100 years. You could, but today we have to think a lot harder about how to maximise the productivity of that land, and at the same time not do any damage to the environment.Jim Pratley, Research Professor of Agriculture at Charles Sturt University, echoes this basic driver for the future of the farming industry the need for more food to feed a growing population. There is a pressure to produce more. We will need 70 per cent more food by 2050 in the world than at the start of this century. That means that in the first half of this century we will be producing more food than we have in the rest of the history of human civilisation. World population we have 7 billion now and it is pro jected to be 9.3 billion by 2050. So there are a few challenges out there. The whole package This equation is not as straightforward as it first looks. For Professor Kemp, it is not simply a case of growing more food by any means necessary.Agricultural science needs to take careful account of not just food production issues, but environmental issues and social issues around food production. Students now and in the future need to take a systems perspective when meeting the challenges of agriculture. Professor Pratley emphasised that agriculture must operate within a demanding marketplace. An industry does need the confidence of the people we call it social licence the idea that you are not going to do anything damaging during production. And if you do something that destroys public confidence, you lose that social licence quickly. Markets are more savvy about insisting on environmentally sound products, so the market demands are increasing for that sort of process. Now social licen ce features in most sectors planning, and they cant afford to jeopardise that market.That social licence can certainly be jeopardised, but Professor Kemp feels that in many ways this can be due to misinformation. There is a distortion in the media about large companies. The big operators have more resources to fix up environmental issues. Many farms now approximately two-thirds have off-farm income. They are not using the farm to fund something else. In fact, income is coming from off-farm avenues and used to improve the farm and make it a better place to be. Pollution from agriculture is a lot less than it has been

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

New Snapchat patent scores emotions through selfies

New Snapchat kapitnspatent scores emotions through selfiesNew Snapchat patent scores emotions through selfiesWhen you post a selfie on Snapchat in the future, you could be giving up more than just what you look like. According to an August patent granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and first identified by Business Insider, you could one day be giving up what you feel.Snap Inc patent monitors how people are feeling through social mediaHow good of a time are you having at the concert? Snap Inc wants to find out. Its patent seeks to determine the mood for a crowd through the selfies being posted and the messages being shared within Snapchat. The mood detector would analyze the various faces in the images so that it can determine an aggregate mood for the group of people. Yur half-hearted smile in a group selfie would be graded accordingly. In some cases, the patent states that this technology could better than people at determining how happy you are in a photo. Tech nological advances in facial recognition allow an image processing system to determine an emotion of a user based on an image of the users face. In some scenarios, an image processing system may be more sensitive than a human, the patent states.In one of the illustrated figures, a woman is posting a selfie with other women in the woods and their smiles are graded Happy 7, Happy 4, Happy 3, Happy 1. Through location data and other signals from people at the event, the patent technology said it could determine the mood of a public event. In one illustrated figure, there are people listening to a man on a podium give a speech. From the phones they are holding in their hands, we see their emotion scores to hearing the speaker sortiment from Happy 7 to Sad 2.Whats the point of this emotion surveillance? Snapchat posts can be made to disappear, but the data within them could be made to live on for an event promoter to analyze. One commercial use for the patent could be to charge clients m oney for access to this mood detector third party entity can be charged per location of use of the mood detection system and/or for exclusive or partially exclusive, use of the aggregate mood level, the patent states.A patent does not mean it will lead to commercial use, but Snaps focus on facial recognition analysis does offer insight into what our selfies can unexpectedly reveal to the social media companies we post them on. Its one more reminder of the personal data we give up about ourselves when we post our bodies and faces on social media.

Friday, November 22, 2019

7 Tips for Setting Career Goals for the New Year

7 Tips for Setting Career Goals for the New Year7 Tips for Setting Career Goals for the New YearThe New Year is always a time of new beginnings, a time for a change, and a time for setting goals. Its the time of year when many people start thinking about looking for a new job or initiating a career change. In fact, January is the busiest job searching month of the year. If youve been thinking about switching up your career, this is among the best times to do it. The New Year Is a Good Time for a Change For those who are contemplating a job or career change, the arrival of the New Year presents the perfect opportunity to reflect on your past experience and think about which direction you might want to take in the future. Even better, employers are hiring, and job opportunities are plentiful. If youve been thinking about shifting gears, you should know that you arent alone. On average, fruchtwein peoplechange jobs10 to 15 times during their working life, so you dont have to stay on a career path thats not right for you. There are many practical reasons you might feel the need to stay in an unfulfilling job, but one key reason is the lack of a clear plan for an alternative career. Clarifying your career objectives, and thinking about whatcareer pathyou would like to be on, can provide the impetus and momentum for you to make the change to a mora rewarding career. Think of the New Year as a time to make a fresh start, and then take advantage of that energy. Here are some activities to help you to establish new career goals. Top 7 Tips for Setting Career Goals for the New Year 1. Inventory Your Skills.Review your work, volunteer, extracurricular, and academic history to identify activities or elements of your past roles that you found energizing or enjoyable. What did you like the best? Inventory the skills which you have enjoyed using. Heres alist of required skillsfor many different types of jobs. Develop a preferred skills list of six to nine skills or ac tivities that you would like to utilize in a new career. 2. Engage in Career Research.The more you learn, the easier it will be to make decisions and set goals for yourself. Start to read about careers of interest by browsingwebsitesor publications at your local bookstore or library. Identify two new careers to research each week, and keep a diary of your interest in each. Measure the careers against yourpreferred skills list. For those fields with a genuine appeal, compile a list of questions to research so that you can fully appraise the suitability of that career for you. 3. Check Out What Your Friends Do. Do you have friends with jobs that sound like something you might be interested in? Activate your curiosity about the work lives of people in your social network. Think about the roles of colleagues, suppliers, or clients that might be a good fit for you, and interview them about the nature of their work.Share your skills list with them, and ask for help brainstorming career op tions that might be worth considering within their sector. Ask your contacts for introductions to people they know who are in fields that interest you, and inquire about the possibility of meeting for aninformational interview. 4. Set Up a Job Shadow (or Two). Set up somejob shadowingopportunities with contacts in fields of interest during your vacation time to gain more concrete exposure to the field. It will give you real-life exposure to what the occupation is really like. 5. Volunteer to Gain Experience.If possible,look for volunteer positionswithin your chosen field. For example, if you are considering geriatric social work, help out at a senior center. If you are in school, unemployed, or working at home, consider a part-time internship in your target field. Besides helping others, youll get some relevant experience to add to your resume. You might even be able to turn your volunteer position into a job. 6. Go (Back) to School.If interesting options require further education, take aclass online to boost your career skills, consider earning a certificate in a career that interests you to boost your employability, review the offerings of local colleges, or consider taking a course at a local community college or adult education center to get a feel for your field of interest. Schedule meetings with faculty chairs from relevant departments to learn more about how the program might work for you. Completing a degree mid-career may seem daunting, but with the right support from family and friends,it can be feasible. 7. Contact Your College.If you need further help, contact your alma mater (or an area college career office) for a referral to a localcareer counselor. For most people, career focus wont come as an epiphany from soul searching in isolation, but rather through active engagement with career resources and people in the work world. So why not start the New Year off with an active campaign to find some new career options?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Equine Pedigree Analyst Job Description

Equine Pedigree Analyst Job DescriptionEquine Pedigree Analyst Job DescriptionEquine pedigree analysts are advisors that plan breedings for the horses owned by their clients. Duties Equine pedigree analysts evaluate potential matings between specific sires and dams, presenting their clients with specific recommendations on how to improve the next generation of their bloodstock. Pedigree analysts meet with clients, research pedigrees, assess progeny reports, evaluate horses in person to gauge their physical characteristics and write reports that explain the reasons for their recommendations in detail. Pedigree analysts may interact regularly with clients including owners, broodmare managers, stallion managers, farm managers, and other industry professionals. A large part of their work is conducted in an office setting, though some traveling to view horses in person at the farm is not unusual. Career Options A large percentage of equine pedigree analyst positions are concerned with the analysis of horse involved in the Thoroughbred breeding industry, though there are certainly opportunities to be found working with other horse breeds as well. Many pedigree analysts do choose to specialize in one or two breeds in which they have expert knowledge. Pedigree analysts may work on a freelance basis, as part of a bloodstock agencys staff, for large breeding farms, or for pedigree analysis corporations (such as TrueNicks or Equineline). They may also write pedigree analysis books or submit articles for publication in industry journals. Education andTraining While no specific degree is required to secure a position as a pedigree analyst, most successful professionals in this field have extensive equine industry experience. A degree in genetics, biology, equine science, or animal science would add strength to a candidates resume. Computer skills are increasingly important, including word processing and database skills. Practical experience working with horses i s also a big plus for those seeking entry to this field, so equine internships may prove a solid form of training as well as provide a valuable way to network with industry professionals. Equine pedigree analysts must have a good working knowledge of equine breeding and genetics including areas such as line breeding, inbreeding, the heritability of desirable traits, pedigree nicks, prominent sire and dam lines, market trends, and successful progeny wertmiger zuwachs records. Pedigree analysts must also have a good eye for conformation, and be able to take into account the ways that certain physical traits from particular sire lines or broodmare families may be expressed in the resultant offspring. Salary Yearly compensation for equine pedigree analyst positions can vary greatly based on the specific industry in which an analyst works (i.e. racing or show breeding), the geographic area in which they work, years of experience, number of matings planned per breeding season, and the ir reputation in the industry. The most successful analysts will be those that have developed a strong client base over the years, with a solid record of recommending pairings that result in foals able to perform at a high level. The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not track pedigree analysts as an individual category in their salary surveys, but similar areas that they do track include categories for animal scientists and biological scientists. According to the latest information collected by the BLS salary survey, the zentralwert annual wage for all animal scientists was $58,250 in May of 2010. The lowest 10 percent of all animal scientists earned less than $33,980 per year, while the highest 10 percent of all animal scientists earned more than $117,150 per year. The BLS cites a similar median annual wage of $68,220 for all biological scientists, with earnings ranging from less than $38,780 for the lowest 10 percent in the field to more than $102,300 for the top 10 percent in the field. Career Outlook Growth patterns for the field of equine pedigree analysis should fall between the growth rates of the similar occupational categories of animal scientists and biological scientists. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics employment survey, career opportunities for the category of animal scientists and other agricultural scientists are projected to grow at a rate of approximately 13 percent from 2010 to 2020. This rate of growth is slightly higher than the average rate for all positions monitored in the BLS employment survey. Employment for the category of all biological scientists is expected to grow at a much swifter rate of 21 percent over the same period, which represents a much higher rate than the average for all positions surveyed. Individuals with extensive experience and industry connections will continue to enjoy the best job prospects in this field.